Chronic Knee Pain: Coolief

Presenting Complaint

The patient presented with knee pain of at least 5 years duration secondary to severe osteoarthritis. She was not keen on a knee replacement because of other co-morbidities. The pain was constant and exacerbated by activity. Her walking ability was restricted to a few steps at a time.

Previous Investigations/ Treatments

Xray of the knee confirmed severe osteoarthritis. She had seen various specialists in the past including physiotherapists, chiropractors and the orthopaedic specialist.

Unfortunately, pain relief from injection treatment with local anaesthetic and steroids lasted only a few weeks. Medications did not help her pain significantly.

Treatment from DR. Krishna at Pain Spa

The patient saw Dr. Krishna at his private clinic in Bristol, desperate for pain relief. Dr. Krishna offered her Coolief treatment (cooled radiofrequency treatment of the knee joint), following a successful test injection with local anaesthetic (diagnostic Genicular Nerve Block). The patient had an excellent response to the radiofrequency treatment and was relatively pain-free within 2 weeks of the treatment.


At the follow-up appointment 3 months after the injection, the patient reported excellent progress following Coolief treatment. She was able to walk much farther and her overall function had improved significantly. She also managed to reduce her painkillers.

She will be followed up again in 6-9 months time.

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